NOTICE: Chicks from the March 29th hatch will be available for purchase. Please
send a text message after 6 PM on March 29th to arrange pickup.
Thank you for your understanding.
Currently Available
Local Pickup - Text: (936) 652-1940 - Cash Only
Type |
Species/Breed |
Gender |
Description |
Hatch Date |
# Avail |
Age |
Current Price |
Bantam | Tinks | Straight-Run | Old English | Mar 08, 2025 | 18 | 2.4 wks | $ 8.50 | Novelty | Brabanter | Straight-Run | Cream: Crested | Feb 18, 2025 | 1 | 5.0 wks | $ 14.25 | | Polish | Straight-Run | Buff Laced | Mar 08, 2025 | 2 | 2.4 wks | $ 9.00 | | | Straight-Run | Buff Laced | Feb 18, 2025 | 1 | 5.0 wks | $ 12.25 |
| |
What's In the Incubator |
Hatch Date |
Species |
# Set |
Set Date |
Type |
Egg Color |
$ Day-Old |
Sexed |
Age Days |
Mar 25, 2025 | Custom Hatch | 12 | Mar 04, 2025 | | | $1.75 | No | 0 | Mar 29, 2025 | Ameraucana | 16 | Mar 08, 2025 | Novelty | Blue/Green | $6.25 | No | -3 | — | Black Star Pullets | 4 | — | Hybrid Layer | Brown | $6.00 | Yes | -3 | — | Buff Laced Polish | 7 | — | Novelty | White | $6.50 | No | -3 | — | Cinnamon Queens | 62 | — | Hybrid Layer | Brown | $6.00 | Yes | -3 | — | Dominique Layers | 19 | — | Production | Brown | $5.50 | No | -3 | — | Easter Eggers | 10 | — | Novelty | Green/Olive | $5.00 | No | -3 | — | Lady Grays | 23 | — | Novelty/Layer | Pastel Blue | $6.50 | Yes | -3 | — | Tinks Bantams | 43 | — | Bantam | Cream | $6.50 | No | -3 | Apr 04, 2025 | Brown Chinese Geese | 10 | Mar 05, 2025 | Goose | White | $16.50 | No | -9 | Apr 08, 2025 | Ameraucana | 24 | Mar 18, 2025 | Novelty | Blue/Green | $6.25 | No | -13 | — | Black Star Pullets | 32 | — | Hybrid Layer | Brown | $6.00 | Yes | -13 | — | Buff Laced Polish | 6 | — | Novelty | White | $6.50 | No | -13 | — | Cinnamon Queens | 71 | — | Hybrid Layer | Brown | $6.00 | Yes | -13 | — | Dominique Layers | 27 | — | Production | Brown | $5.50 | No | -13 | — | Easter Eggers | 13 | — | Novelty | Green/Olive | $5.00 | No | -13 | — | Lady Grays | 26 | — | Novelty/Layer | Pastel Blue | $6.50 | Yes | -13 | — | Tinks Bantams | 38 | — | Bantam | Cream | $6.50 | No | -13 | Apr 14, 2025 | Brown Chinese Geese | 15 | Mar 15, 2025 | Goose | White | $16.50 | No | -19 | Apr 18, 2025 | Heritage Bronze Turkeys | 8 | Mar 21, 2025 | Heritage Turkey | Speckled | $18.00 | No | -23 | — | Ameraucana | 24 | Mar 28, 2025 | Novelty | Blue/Green | $6.25 | No | -23 | — | Black Star Pullets | 36 | — | Hybrid Layer | Brown | $6.00 | Yes | -23 | — | Buff Laced Polish | 12 | — | Novelty | White | $6.50 | No | -23 | — | Cinnamon Queens | 70 | — | Hybrid Layer | Brown | $6.00 | Yes | -23 | — | Cream Brabanters | 6 | — | Novelty | White | $9.00 | No | -23 | — | Dominique Layers | 30 | — | Production | Brown | $5.50 | No | -23 | — | Easter Eggers | 12 | — | Novelty | Green/Olive | $5.00 | No | -23 | — | Lady Grays | 30 | — | Novelty/Layer | Pastel Blue | $6.50 | Yes | -23 | — | Tinks Bantams | 24 | — | Bantam | Cream | $6.50 | No | -23 | Apr 25, 2025 | Brown Chinese Geese | 20 | Mar 26, 2025 | Goose | White | $16.50 | No | -30 |
2025 Hatchlings: 940
2024 Hatchlings: 3,475 Eggs Incubating: 730
Total Hatchlings: 35,046
Ameraucana Number Hatched: 807 |
The Ameraucana is an American breed of domestic chicken. It was developed in the United States in the 1970s, and derives from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. The Ameraucana is one of the few chicken breeds to lay blue eggs. It has a pea comb, muffs, beards, and slate colored legs. Our Ameraucanas are black, blue, and splash with beards that lay light blue to greenish blue eggs. Mild mannered and easy to handle they do lay nice shaped and sized eggs. Introduced to Roberts Farm during the summer of 2020.
Type: Novelty |
Egg Color: Blue/Green |
Lay Rate: 180 Fair |
Egg Size: Large |
Broody: Occasionally |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Black, Blue, and Splash |
Black Star Pullets Number Hatched: 5,107 |
A Black Star hen is a hybrid layer cross between a Rhode Island Red rooster and a Dominique hen. This genetic cross results in vigorous offspring that are healthier and lay more eggs using less feed than their purebred counterparts. Sex-links are very productive layers during their first two years with a significant drop-off their third year and a dramatic drop-off in subsequent years. Although sex-links are perfectly capable of laying fertile eggs and producing vigorous chicks, they do not breed true... We chose this hybrid specifically because it is smaller than most hybrid layers, more efficient at feed:egg conversion, and is partially capable of avoiding East Texas predators.
Type: Hybrid Layer |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: 280-300 Excellent |
Egg Size: Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Sexed |
Brown Chinese Geese Number Hatched: 649 |
Brown Chinese geese are among the most beautiful and graceful of geese. We originally acquired our geese as watchdogs to ward off raccoon and other nuisance animals in our country pens, and they have fulfilled that assignment admirably. They are quit noisy and protective birds. Surprisingly, they are also friendly towards humans despite their threatening gestures and vocalizations. Hatching Brown Chinese geese is much more difficult than chickens although both goose and gander make excellent and caring parents. Like all waterfowl, Chinese geese enjoy swimming and bathing in ponds although they do well without a large body of water.
Type: Goose |
Egg Color: White |
Lay Rate: Seasonal |
Egg Size: Extra-extra-Large |
Broody: Yes |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Buff Laced Polish Number Hatched: 504 |
Buff Laced Polish are a beautiful variety of Polish Chickens. Birds are buff colored with white lacing around the edges of their feathers. Polish are best known for their top hat or crazy feathers on top of their heads! Polish Chickens have small v-combs, lay white eggs, and do not tend to be broody. They are a favorite with children because of their looks and quiet docile personality. Because their feathers can limit their vision, they are not a good option for free ranging. (Meyer Hatchery)
Type: Novelty |
Egg Color: White |
Lay Rate: 200 Good |
Egg Size: Average |
Broody: Rarely |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Buff laced only. |
California Grey Number Hatched: 723 |
The California Grey is an American breed of domestic chicken. It was developed in California in the 1930s by Horace Dryden in Modesto, California. His aim was to produce a dual-purpose chicken that was both suitable for meat production and laid large white eggs. By crossing a Barred Plymouth Rock rooster and a White Leghorn hen, a naturally autosexing breed with gray barred plumage (as adults) was produced. Largely because the breed was never recognized officially for exhibition by the American Poultry Association, The California Grey is a rare breed in the twenty-first century. [Wikipedia]
Type: Production |
Egg Color: White |
Lay Rate: 260-280 |
Egg Size: Medium |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Sorted |
Cinnamon Queens Number Hatched: 7,514 |
Cinnamon Queen hens begin laying at an earlier age than most other breeds and are excellent layers of extra-large, brown eggs with egg production of 250-300 annually. They have a reputation as being particularly sweet and docile birds. Many owners say they are the sweetest members of the flock. Cinnamon Queens are a cross of a Rhode Island Red male and the Rhode Island White female and will not breed true.
Type: Hybrid Layer |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: 280-300 Superior |
Egg Size: Large to X-Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Sexed |
Cochin Bantams Number Hatched: 1,114 |
The most distinctive feature of the Cochin is the excessive plumage that covers leg and foot. The skin beneath the feathers is yellow and the egg color is light brown. Eggs are also medium in size. Standard weight is 11 lb for a cockand 9 lb for a hen. Our color varieties include buff and black. Cochins are well known as good mothers, even as foster mothers for other breeds, and they can lay many eggs, but usually not for extended periods of time. Cochins are also known to be good pet hens for the garden, as they are tame and regarded as one of the most 'friendly' chicken breeds. Cochins are rather quiet chickens, and tend to be quite calm as well.
Type: Bantam |
Egg Color: Cream |
Lay Rate: Good |
Egg Size: Very Small |
Broody: Yes |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Frizzled and Smooth; Black, White, and Gray |
Cream Brabanters Number Hatched: 518 |
With a flamboyant crest, three lobed beard, spangled feathering, and v-shaped horned comb, the Brabanter is the most interesting chicken that I’ve seen. The Brabanter originates in the region of Brabant a region that straddles Belgium and the Netherlands. The breed became extinct in the early 20th Century but were recreated by Dutch poultrymen in the 1920’s. Currently, we raise only the Cream colored types. The Brabanter can be an extremely docile and friendly bird if raised by hand but has a tendency to become flighty if left to their own devices. They are non-sitters and are good layers of medium sized, white eggs.
Type: Novelty |
Egg Color: White |
Lay Rate: Very Good |
Egg Size: Medium |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Cream |
Dominique Layers Number Hatched: 1,198 |
The Dominique, also known as Dominicker or Pilgrim Fowl, originated in the United States during the colonial period and is considered America's oldest breed of chicken. By the 19th century, they were widely popular and were raised in many parts of the country. They weigh 6 to 8 pounds at maturity. In earlier times, their feathers were much sought after as stuffing for pillows and mattresses. They were added to our flock in 2014 as we sought a small hen that would do well at free ranging, resist predation by wild animals, and remain productive for several year.
Type: Production |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: 250-280 Excellent |
Egg Size: Medium-Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Easter Eggers Number Hatched: 947 |
Easter Eggers are not a breed per se, but a variety of chicken that does not conform to any breed standard but lays large to extra large eggs that vary in shade from blue to green to olive to aqua and sometimes even pinkish. Easter Eggers vary widely in color and conformation, and are exceptionally friendly and hardy. Since they are usually quite friendly to children and humans in general, they are a great choice for a family flock. Our flock was originally obtained from Ideal Poultry with the best of the best retained for breeding. While not a true breed, our Easter Eggers retain the characterisitcs of their parent stock.
Type: Novelty |
Egg Color: Green/Olive |
Lay Rate: 220 Good |
Egg Size: Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Golden Pheasants Number Hatched: 572 |
The Golden Pheasant is one of the most popular of all pheasant species kept in captivity. It is very beautiful, hardy, easy to keep and great for beginners. The Golden has been kept in captivity since as early as 1740 and perhaps was the first type of pheasant brought to North America. There is evidence that George Washington may have kept them at Mt. Vernon! This species readily breeds in captivity. The hen will begin to lay her clutch of 8 to 12 eggs in April. Incubation lasts about 22 to 23 days. The chicks are very easy to raise, and are often used to "teach" rarer species to eat.
Type: Ornamental |
Egg Color: Cream |
Lay Rate: Seasonal |
Egg Size: Very Small |
Broody: Occasionally |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Red Golden and Yellow Golden |
Guinea Fowl Number Hatched: 1,344 |
Guineas, which are known as keets, are very active and easy to raise. After about 4 weeks of age, they require very little attention and will take care of themselves by hustling for their food. Some of the benefits of having a farm flock of guineas are as follows: very fine "watch dogs", keep snakes away from the farm and consume grasshoppers, ticks (including those which carry Lyme Disease) and other insects. Guineas are strange birds with a strange personality who seem to have a mind and a will of their own... Do not expect guineas to behave like chickens although many people report that they do well with chickens and sleep nightly in a coop.
Type: Guineafowl |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: Seasonal |
Egg Size: Medium |
Broody: Occasionally |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Pearl, Pied Pearl, White, Lavender, and Pied Lavender |
Heritage Bronze Turkeys Number Hatched: 903 |
Heritage Bronze turkeys look like what people think a turkey ought to look like. They are the largest among the heritage breed, are naturally reproducing, and are extremely social animals. Hens will begin laying in March of each year and continue to lay until mid-July. Hens are extremely broody though they are not necessarily good mothers. A Tom’s plumage and strutting is an impressive sight and they are not know to be overly aggressive. A young, roasted Heritage Bronze turkey is moist and very tasty. A Heritage Bronze makes an excellent addition to any barnyard flock.
Type: Heritage Turkey |
Egg Color: Speckled |
Lay Rate: Seasonal |
Egg Size: Extra Large |
Broody: Yes |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
India Blue Peafowl Number Hatched: 532 |
The Indian Blue peafowl (Pavo cristatus) is a large and brightly colored bird of the pheasant family native to South Asia. The male peacock is predominantly blue and is best known for the long train made up of elongated tail covert feathers which bear colorful eyespots. The female lacks the train, has a greenish lower neck and a duller brown plumage. Through domesticated breeding programs, numerous variations in color and patterns have evolved from the wild blue type. Unlike traditional barn-yard poultry, peafowl mature slowly and require greater care when young. They are excellent flyers and do well within confined pens as well as free ranges.
Type: Ornamental |
Egg Color: Cream |
Lay Rate: Seasonal |
Egg Size: Extra-Large |
Broody: Frequently |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Varieties: Blue, Pied Blue, Black Shoulder, White, and Purple |
Lady Grays Number Hatched: 1,020 |
Lady Grays are hybrid laying hens utilizing a Splash Ameraucana rooster (blue eggs) and California Grey hens (white eggs). Like their Ameraucana parent, they tend to be slow to mature but lay lots of large pastel blue to bluish green eggs. They are fearless and loaded with personality… they think they are special. Most day-old males have a light silver spot on their head and are removed at hatch; however, Lady Grays are sold as “sorted” and you can expect an occasional male to remain undetectable until puberty.
Type: Novelty/Layer |
Egg Color: Pastel Blue |
Lay Rate: 260-280 Good |
Egg Size: Lge to X-Lge |
Broody: Rare |
Day-Old: Sorted |
Varieties: Blue Feathered |
Rhode Island Reds Number Hatched: 742 |
The Rhode Island Red is not only America's best known breed, but is perhaps the world's best known fowl. It is the most successful dual purpose bird, and remains an excellent farm chicken. Originally developed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the 1880's and 1890's, its ancestors include Malay, Shanghai, Java, and Brown Leghorn chickens. Its distinctive color and good production qualities helped it to spread rapidly. This variety is a cross between a heritage RIR rooster and production RIR hens.
Type: Production |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: 260 Excellent |
Egg Size: Large to Extra Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Rhode Island Reds (H) Number Hatched: 152 |
Rose Comb Variety: The Rhode Island Red is not only America's best known breed, but is perhaps the world's best known fowl. It is the most successful dual purpose bird, and remains an excellent farm chicken. Originally developed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the 1880's and 1890's, its ancestors include Malay, Shanghai, Java, and Brown Leghorn chickens. Its distinctive color and good production qualities helped it to spread rapidly. The single combed variety was admitted to the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1904.
Flock Source: Sand Hill Preservation Center
Type: Heritage |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: Good |
Egg Size: Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Rhode Island Whites Number Hatched: 313 |
Rhode Island Whites are similar to their heritage cousins; however, they are bred specifically for superior production of large brown eggs. They are a white bird with a single comb, yellow skin, and clean legs. Production Whites are relatively slender and more closely resemble a white Leghorn than the classic Rhode Island White. Production White hens, given the proper diet, lay more eggs than any other breed I’ve owned including white leghorns. Given their white feathering, they are subject to hawk predation and do best in covered runs. Because they lay so many eggs, their feathering gets rather thin and tattered as the laying season progresses. We generally only hatch one batch of Production Whites each year.
Type: Production |
Egg Color: Brown |
Lay Rate: 280-320 Superior |
Egg Size: Large to Extra Large |
Broody: No |
Day-Old: Unsexed |
Tinks Bantams Number Hatched: 1,008 |
Tinks bantams are small bantams created using Serema, Nankin, and Old English bantams. Although not a recognized breed, they breed true as to size and form; however, their coloring will vary from chick-to-chick with their adult coloring not being revealed until they are fully feathered. Males are brightly colored with the body color ranging from gold, to wheaton, to black, to calico. Female coloring is generally muted ranging from light brown to a subdued calico. Females lay a fair number of light cream-to-white eggs, frequent brooders, and excellent mothers. Although small in stature, these birds are proud and bold having no problem standing toe-to-toe with their large fowl cousins. Our Tinks bantams free range near the house and are considered beautiful yard art.
Type: Bantam |
Egg Color: Cream |
Lay Rate: Fair |
Egg Size: Extra-Small |
Broody: Frequent |
Day-Old: Unsexed |

Calvin & Cindy Roberts
488 County Road 335
San Augustine, Texas 75972
(936) 652-1940 (Text Only)• mail@calvinroberts.us
DISCLAIMER: Prices, products, and services described on this website may or may not accurately reflect
current prices, products, and services and are subject to change without prior notice. For more current information, please
contact us by telephone or email. Live animals carry risk of salmonella and other diseases and should be handled accordingly